Thursday, August 25, 2011

My great crafty blog dreams

were a bit sidetracked by the twins.Since going back to work my craft time has been limited to after bedtime. By bedtime I am utterly exhausted, and rarely take the time to create anything. But my new addiction allows me to feel creative without even having to clear off my craft table. Behold pinterest. But to be honest, I think I may need help giving myself boundaries when it comes to this new addiction, because given my ocd and information hoarding tendencies, I will admit to having stayed up until 3 or 4 am finding fun ideas. Maybe someday soon I will get the energy to get up and put the ideas to good use. And if that day comes, be sure I will finally add some pictures and project recaps to this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! I've done that!!! I stayed up to the wee hours of the morning pinning all sorts of things... I'm now in the process of trying to delete pins I know I'll never use because I eneded up with over 9,000+ pins, no real surprise there, and I really do have things on there I want to do/am doing and I CANT FIND THEM through all the other stuff...I'm getting it kinda organized though so that's good. :) I saw your photo on Pinterest...of course and had to see where it went which is how I eneded up here. I am a blogger too. I will check out some more of your blog later when I'm not about to fall asleep. :) :)

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